| 1. | Notice from a judge of juvenile court for trial cases 一位少年法庭法官提出的审案警示
| 2. | The debate of keeping and eliminating of the juvenile courts 当代美国少年法庭的存废之争
| 3. | Chief . the file from the juvenile court 警长,从尤文内尔法院传来的资料
| 4. | Why china needs juvenile court : a simple but easy - ignoring issue 简单但却容易被忽视的理由
| 5. | The juvenile court has a file on him 青少年法庭有他的记录
| 6. | The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court 上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。
| 7. | The bill require a social worker to seek permission of the juvenile court 该议案要求社会工作者寻求少年法庭的允许。
| 8. | What improvements should be made to the existing juvenile court system and proceedings ; and 应如何改善现行的少年法庭制度及程序及
| 9. | What improvements should be made to the existing juvenile court system and proceedings ; and 应如何改善现行的少年法庭制度及程序;及
| 10. | Defendants under the age of 16 will be tried in juvenile courts by a magistrate 如被告年龄在16岁以下,案件将会在少年法庭由裁判官审判。